Monday, November 16, 2015

They say it's your Birthday...

Well, I got your two packages you sent me for my Birthday in the mail this week.  And even one from the Chuggs!  Thank you all so much for the LOVE!

Changes are tonight, so tomorrow I could be in a different city...Today was pretty crazy.  We only had 20 minutes to write.  Our clothes got soaked by a huge rainstorm while we were out, so I hung my shirts between two suitcases.  I hope I don't have to pack them into the suitcases tonight to leave tomorrow.

This week was your birthday Mom!  We celebrated it!  We even bought a cake and stole a birthday hat from the other Elder's in Hipodromo during exchanges.  Below is the picture of the piece of cake we saved for you!  We ate it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Pretty awesome, right?! ; )

I want you to know I love you Mom.  You are very different then a lot of the Moms here in Colombia.  They don't know how to do half the things you do.  I have come to appreciate the faith of the family I come from more and more, as I see what families are like in other parts of the world.  There's nothing more important than your family and the gospel.  These are the only things you can really take back home after this life is over.  That, and the person you have become.

I love you Mom!  I hope you had a happy Birthday.  I'm sorry I wasn't there to eat cake with you...but you probably had a little more because I'm not there.  haha  Love you!!!
Mom, Here's your Birthday cake.  It was great!
A little favor...
Elder Cavero is about to end his mission in 6 weeks.  We have been working really hard on his English because he wants to enter the program called Pathway.  It's a program for missionaries to learn English through BYUi.  We need more information.  How does it work, how much does it cost? I know you can do it two ways, with online or in person at BYUi.  We talked a lot about his future after his mission.  And it doesn't look like he has a big plan.  So... we made one!
He wants to study at BYUi and learn English and get a good job after his 4 year degree.  But he needs help.  idk if he knows how to do all the papers and stuff.  I don't really know much about it at all, but could you please help us by researching the program, and help us find out?

One more little favor...
I would like to make laminated photos of a few pictures to use for teaching that are the same size as my scriptures.  I have the picture book you sent, but it's really big and sometimes when we go into dangerous areas, we only take our scriptures so we don't get robbed.  I'll send you a list of which ones specifically for next week.

Thanks!  I love you Mom!

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