Friday, April 24, 2015

I called Mason to let him know that his call came today.  He's been down at BSU with his high school choir for a local Jazz Festival.
He came straight home and decided to drive out to Inspiration Point in Kuna to open it by himself. Tonight is a big night for him.  He's has to be at the high school by 5:00 pm to set up for the MavFactor.

When he returned, he looked happy.  We texted/emailed everyone to let them know he'll be opening his call in the auditorium, after the MavFactor  show ends.  Ward members, family and friends will already be there tonight to watch him perform, so we thought we'd just open it there instead of coming back to our home.
 The Mav Factor singing competition started in January with 73 students trying out in front of a panel of 10 judges.  32 students made it through to round two.  Two weeks later, it was narrowed down to 12 contestants. Tonight's show started with all 12 students performing their first number.  The judges were Miss Idaho, Local professional tenor, and Carolyn Holly from channel 7, KTVB.  They had the very tough job of narrowing it down to 5 finalists, then choosing the grand prize winner.
 Between each number, the contestants stood with Cameron Mello and Sadie Belnap to hear input from the judges.
 For his first number, Mason pulled off a spectacular performance on the piano singing his own version of "Desparado."

He received a standing ovation from the judges, his Mom and most of the audience.
It was AMAZING!!
After all 12 contestants finished, there was an intermission where everyone could vote by cash in the lobby for their favorite performance.  
When intermission was over, and we were all seated back in the auditorium, we were THRILLED to learn that Mason had won Audience favorite! 
 Next, the five finalists were chosen.  Mason had made it to round 2! 
Mason giving Hunter a high-five.
Finalists: Hunter, Katie, Sam, Mason and Ali.
For his second number Mason sang an original song that he had written and composed on the guitar, entitled "Home." So fitting for the journey he was about to embark on . . . somewhere in the world. 
 We were entertained by Connor in Mason's morph suit, while the judges were out deliberating.
 Sadie read off the runners up....

 Then the WINNER:  MASON BURK!!! 

What an exciting night!!! 
We are thrilled for him.  What a great musician.  What an impressive son.
This was certainly a night to remember. 
 Mason with Mom, and Cody trying to get in on the fun. 
 Brinley, excited about the BIG check. 

After the auditorium cleared out, he waited about 20 minutes, then Mason picked up a microphone on the stage and got everyone's attention.  There were still almost 200 people there, all waiting to hear where he was called on his mission.  He read:

"Dear Elder Burk:

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the COLOMBIA BARRANQUILLA MISSION!!

You should report to the Colombia Missionary Training Center on Wednesday July 1, 2015.  you will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language."

The excitement started all over, with oos, ahhs, and lots of applause.
This is the perfect call for him.  He will make an incredible missionary.

 Mason with Mom and Dad, and photo-bomber Spencer.
 Grandpa and Grandma Burk
 Aunt Jasie
Malia, Abi, and Brianne

We're thrilled for you.  So proud.  SO excited!!

Look what I just pulled out of the mailbox!!!

Tonight is Mason's big performance in Mountain View High School's MavFactor singing competition.  Hope we can hold out until the end to find out where he is going.
Mason has finally finished the mission application process.  He met with Bishop Troy Larsen on Sunday, and President Joe Kiehl tonight.  His papers are officially in!  Now we wait . . .